Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Çigli Osman Kibar Housing Comp. Area Evka-5 Project 414 Houses (120m2 / Apartment)Çiğli - İzmir6.173.083,95.-TL(5.580.264,00 USD)Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Evka 6 Housing Comp. (120m2 / Apartment)Çiğli - İzmir1.722.527,91.-TL(1.414.436,00 USD)Rota Construction and Trade Company Körfez - Kocaeli Harbour Area Construction of 2 Cement Silos with a Capacity of 10.000 TonsKörfez - Kocaeli777.350,00.-$Ege Koop Attached S.S.Beyazkent House Construction Coop 144 Apartments (120 m2 / Apartment)Izmir5.894.668,00.-TLEge Koop Attached S.S.Alkent House Construction Coop 144 Apartments (120 m2 / Apartment)Izmir6.756.977,58.-TLIzmir Metropolitan Municipality Çigli Osman Kibar Housing Comp. Area Evka-5 Project 396 Houses (120m2 / Apartment)Çiğli - İzmirEge Koop Attached S.S.Gayem House Construction Coop 144 Apartments (120 m2 / Apartment)Izmir1.952.033,30.-TLBMC Chassis Factory 2. Stage Constructionİzmir1.705.427,00.-TLBursa Cement Co.Inc. Pre-Tension Cement Silo Homogenesation Silo, Filter Buildings and Packaging Constructions Kestel - Bursa3.373.610,00.-TLBatı Anadolu Cement Ind. Co.Inc.Coal Mill Constructionİzmir315.310,00.-TL